12 Week Photoshoot Prep Program

12 Week Photoshoot Prep Program - NEXT ROUND STARTS MONDAY, SEPT 19th

You?  A fitness model?


Imagine committing with your mind, heart, & soul for 2.5 months, having a plan to follow, being connected with like-minded women with similar goals, with 3 amazing coaches to guide you along the way.

It's a chance to be challenged, to change, and to complete something you never thought possible.

The 12 Week Program Includes :


Personalized nutrition plan with delicious foods so you don`t feel restricted.


Meal calendar, shopping list, and recipes each week to make food prep seamless and easy.


Customized workout program built around the equipment you have available to you and designed to suit your schedule.


Access to the TeamAnge App complete with demo videos and a training calendar (sync with your FitBit or Apple Watch)


Weekly team calls for motivation and accountability, and support from all 3 coaches, and the other ladies!


4 Virtual Classes each week designed to take your body to another level; led by Coach Vanessa


The Fitness Photoshoot Option Includes:

  • Guidance leading up to the photoshoot to achieve your optimal level of lean, and ensure you are mentally prepared - and EXCITED!

  • A Professional Photoshoot day at the end of the 10 week prep, during which you will have private time shooting with the photographer. Photoshoot scheduled for Saturday, November 26th

  • Guidance in relation to posing and wardrobe selection, plus your own Glam-up (hair and makeup)!!

  • Access to all unedited images, plus several edited images of your choice.

12 Week Photoshoot Prep Program